KMK is Ireland’s first WEEELABEX Certified Recycler

   Wed, 25th Mar, 2015

WEEELABEX is a European wide Standard for excellence in WEEE Recycling. The WEEELABEX acronym stands for WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) Label of Excellence. The WEEELABEX Standard provides a platform for assessment of those involved in the collection and treatment of WEEE in Europe. Those facilities who apply for the Standard subsequently are audited thoroughly for their compliance with the WEEE Directive including attainment of the stipulated Recycling and Recovery Targets to be met by all operators in accordance with the WEEE Directive and associated regulations. Those who achieve the Standard are, as a result, certified as excellent and compliant WEEE Recyclers.

We are pleased to announce that we have achieved WEEELABEX certification for CRT and Small Mixed WEEE processing. Our certificate is made available for download on this page, and we can be found as a listed Operator on the WEEELABEX Website. KMK Metals Recycling Ltd (KMK) was also audited for Large Appliances and we anticipate that we will achieve attestation for this waste stream in early 2015. KMK was Audited by EcoDom, an independent organisation, whose Auditors have undergone specific training and are listed as approved Auditors by the WEEELABEX Organisation.

The attainment of WEEELABEX for all operators treating WEEE is mandated through the WEEE Regulations S.I. No. 149 of 2014.

We are delighted to share this news, and to be the first WEEE treatment operator in Ireland and one of 14 organisations so far in Europe to have achieved the Standard; it is a great start to 2015.
