EU-wide uniform conditions for the proper quality treatment of WEEE

   Fri, 13th Dec, 2019

A call for Implementing Acts to lay down minimum quality WEEE treatment standards in strict accordance with the European standards

A joint paper by APPLiA, DIGITALEUROPE, EERA, Orgalim and the WEEE Forum, calls for Implementing Acts to lay down minimum quality WEEE treatment standards in strict accordance with the European standards.

The industry group deem such Implementing Acts laying down minimum quality WEEE treatment standards will contribute to improved quality waste management and harmonisation of treatment practices throughout Europe.

The position of the joint paper is that the standards currently put pressure on the “legally regulated market”, i.e. the operators that operate legally and in full compliance with the law, because they are most visible to the authorities. Unfortunately, this creates an un-level playing field for the market. It states that the EU should promote these European standards for WEEE at international level with its trading partners to ensure a global level playing field. 

Read the full Joint Paper here:
