23rd International Congress for Battery Recycling ICBR 2018

   Mon, 3rd Sep, 2018

ICBR is the international platform for presenting the latest developments and discussing the challenges faced by the battery recycling industry. The 23rd edition of ICBR will bring together many experts and decision makers of the battery recycling value chain such as battery manufacturers, battery recyclers, OEMs from the electronic and e-mobility industry, collection schemes operators, service and transport companies, policy makers and many more.

This top quality congress in battery recycling will focus on: 


How to recycle batteries from e-cars, e-bikes and other e-vehicles

Recycling of batteries from energy storage systems of power plants

Collection and recycling of cordless tools and electronic devices batteries

Best available recycling technologies for batteries

Materials Supply in a Circular Economy

Battery materials supply and demand or “when the recyclers meet the raw materials suppliers”

The role of batteries recycling in a circular economy

Eco-design: A critical approach for batteries removability?

The e-mobility and energy storage markets: An opportunity for new battery technologies?

Transport and Safety

Update of the transport regulation on batteries

Safety of lithium batteries: Threats and opportunities

Evolution of packaging requirements for lithium batteries

The Batteries Directive Revision

Update on the review process of the Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC

The recycling efficiency of batteries: The need for a new “optimum” approach

The collection efficiency of batteries: Considering urban mining and waste generation

Challenges faced by the second life of lithium batteries: Performances, transport & safety and producer responsibility

Impact of changes in hazardous waste regulations

Worldwide Activity Review

Worldwide updates about batteries take-back, collection schemes and recycling

An exhibition area is integrated into the conference facilities, where vendors meet their clients. Cocktail receptions and a networking dinner create an excellent atmosphere to get in touch with business partners and colleagues.

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